new episodes

every thursday

Meet The Host:

My name is Gabriella Strano, I’m an award-winning content creator, one of the world’s leading hair experts specializing in wavy + curly hair. And the person behind Curl Maven, a modern holistic hair, beauty and wellness brand with a multi-million audience since 2018.

In just 5 years, I went from being a homeless single mum with two kids, to building a six-figure business in the hair industry. My journey has taught me that we’re so much more than stereotypes and circumstances.

Join me as I uncover the stories behind successful people from various backgrounds and cultures. To find out what makes each guest so much more than what they’re known for or associated with. Discover what they’re undefined by and how that’s played a part in their journey to success.

If you’re feeling frustrated, restricted or defined by things that are holding you back and seem outside of your control. These authentic conversations and relatable stories will inspire and empower you to break the barriers standing in the way of your happiness. And motivate you to pave your own path to success – however you choose to define it.